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What is Best Exercise For Enlarged Prostate?

By Bryan Perry
December 20, 2023

what is best exercise for enlarged prostate

Men with BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) often turn to Kegel exercises and yoga poses in order to alleviate their symptoms. Such exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles and relieve tension within their pelvis, alleviating any associated strain on these structures.

Regular exercise can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation, both of which may contribute to reducing prostate gland size. Aerobic activities like jogging, swimming, hiking and interval training are excellent choices.


Men who exercise regularly, particularly walking, are less likely to experience prostate-related issues like erectile dysfunction or difficulty urinating, thanks to improved blood flow to their prostates and overall prostate health. Walking also offers other advantages like burning calories, lowering blood pressure and building stamina – studies have even found evidence suggesting walking helps prevent prostate cancer progression – one found men who walked three hours each week at a brisk pace had 57% less chance of experiencing cancer progression versus those who didn’t!

Diet is essential to overall male health, including that of his prostate. A diet high in vegetables and fruit has been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Foods high in fat and salt should be avoided as these can worsen symptoms further. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, bok choy and Brussels sprouts contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that may protect it.

Other foods that can support prostate health include fish, wholegrains and nuts which contain omega-3 fatty acids that could prevent BPH. Drinking plenty of water also helps flush out any toxins or bacteria which could be contributing to symptoms, while caffeine should be avoided as this increases frequency of urination leading to bladder pain.

Kegel exercises may help ease symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate in addition to regular exercise. Kegels are low-impact exercises designed to strengthen muscles in both the prostate and pelvic floor; performing them three times per day can relieve urinary symptoms while decreasing risk for prostate cancer.

Though the prostate is not a muscle, there is no known way to shrink it once it becomes enlarged. Exercise and eating well may help delay or even prevent BPH. For severe symptoms that interfere with daily activities medical attention may also be needed.


The prostate can be an unruly little gland, susceptible to painful infections (prostatitis), enlargement that interferes with urination and erectile issues (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH), cancer and even dementia. Exercise is one way of mitigating risks related to prostate-related illnesses; recent studies indicate this.

Men with enlarged prostates should engage in both aerobic and strength training exercises. Aerobic activities like walking, swimming and cycling help increase cardiovascular fitness while at the same time burning calories and improving blood flow to their prostate and pelvis. Strength-training exercises strengthen muscles that support urinary tract functions as well as supporting their prostates; Kegels as well as yoga poses like cobbler’s pose or reclining big toe positions are effective exercises to do just this.

Diet and exercise both play an integral part in improving prostate health. Dietary tips to support prostate wellness include limiting high-fat meats, forgoing sugary beverages and decreasing caffeine consumption; additionally consuming more fruits and vegetables will also be beneficial. Water intake is key, so drinking plenty of it and limiting beverages that dehydrate such as alcohol will help to minimize bladder symptoms.

Integrating regular physical activity into your lifestyle is crucial for prostate health, but finding activities you enjoy doing will bring maximum rewards. From walking, dancing, or treadmill workouts – anything that makes you happy and comfortable will provide maximum value.

Men with enlarged prostates should try interval training, a form of cardio that involves rapid bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by brief periods of lower intensity activity. Interval training burns more calories faster than steady state exercises while improving heart and lung health, potentially improving mood as well.

Wear a snug-fitting swimsuit or shorts when exercising in the pool to reduce fabric from rubbing against your skin, which could otherwise lead to irritation and soreness. Men with enlarged prostates are encouraged to purchase bicycle saddles with gapped perineum support to relieve pressure off their perineums; it would also be wise to avoid exercising on surfaces which can irritate or inflame their prostates.


An effective combination of diet, regular exercise, and weight management are essential in combatting enlarged prostate symptoms. Less inflammation means less stress on the prostate; exercise has been proven to decrease body’s inflammatory response – thus helping the condition. A low-fat, high-fiber diet can also be effective at reducing symptoms.

Men suffering from BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) may find themselves needing frequent bathroom trips and nighttime urination, with weak or no streams or difficulty urinating as their prostate enlarges, placing pressure on their urethra. Exercise can help strengthen both sphincter strength and function as well as pelvic floor muscles that control urination and ejaculation.

Kegel exercises are an effective way of strengthening these muscles. Simply contract the muscles used to stop urine flow for one second at a time before relaxing them for ten repetitions; multiple repetitions per day should help build them up over time.

Cycling has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from an enlarged prostate as it helps build muscle strength and endurance. Cyclists should ensure they wear padded shorts to minimize pressure on their prostates and pelvic areas and adjust their saddles so that compression or pounding on them is minimized.

Maintaining physical activity is crucial, and individuals should consult their doctor on which exercises and fitness routines will best fit them. Furthermore, early prostate cancer detection is crucial in decreasing mortality risk from this disease.

Cycling may be beneficial to those with an enlarged prostate, yet studies have linked cycling with an increased risk of urinary tract conditions like erectile dysfunction or prostatitis. This likely stems from cycling exerting constant pressure or even pounding on the prostate which causes pain and inflammation.


Yoga practices such as breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and meditation may help improve relaxation of the body and thus reduce inflammation – something known to increase risk for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and related health issues in men. By decreasing inflammation through physical activity and exercise, BPH and related health issues may be alleviated while overall health improves.

Yoga can help improve prostate health through strengthening pelvic floor muscles and increasing circulation, according to studies. Yoga may even decrease urination frequency while improving general prostate wellbeing – however it is recommended that any new exercise program be discussed with a physician beforehand.

Dhanurasana (butterfly pose) is one of the best exercises for prostate health, also known as relieving pelvic tension and strengthening core muscles. Begin by lying on your back with palms up near torso; slowly lift legs and hips off ground by slowly raising legs off floor for several seconds; hold for a few seconds then return back down before repeating this as often as desired.

Dronasana, or the seated head-to-knee pose, can help improve pelvic muscle strength while relieving stress and pain associated with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. To perform it, spread out a mat or blanket on the floor, lie back on your back with legs extended and bend left knee to pull thigh toward chest while simultaneously flexing left foot upward towards ceiling, keeping right leg on ground while straightening left leg as much as possible.

As this posture can be challenging for some individuals, it’s wise to practice under the supervision of an instructor trained in its proper execution. Pushing too hard or forcing oneself into it could result in injury – instead it’s better to start small and gradually progress toward more complex positions over time. For best results, be sure to consume healthy diet and drink lots of water to support prostate health.


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