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Best Drinks For Enlarged Prostate

By Michael Gonzales
December 23, 2023
Best Drinks For Enlarged Prostate

An enlarged prostate, a common condition impacting the lower urinary tract, can lead to disruptive symptoms including incontinence and blood in urine production. Managing this condition effectively requires attention to diet, as excessive consumption of fats and unhealthy ingredients can exacerbate prostate enlargement and heighten health risks.

To support prostate health and potentially alleviate symptoms, incorporating certain beverages into your diet can be beneficial. Here are the best drinks for an enlarged prostate that may offer relief and contribute to overall wellness:

Green tea

Green tea is one of the best drinks to help with an enlarged prostate due to its abundance of antioxidants that support prostate health and help reduce inflammation of the gland, thus helping stop its further enlargement. However, keep in mind that green tea is a stimulant and should only be consumed moderately; excessive consumption may increase your blood pressure.

According to a new study, drinking four or more glasses of green tea per week may help in treating BPH, an enlarged prostate condition. Furthermore, those who consume seven or more cups weekly are half as likely to develop prostate cancer than those who don’t consume such beverages regularly.

Results from this study are far from conclusive and more research is necessary; nonetheless, the researchers state that they believe green tea may provide effective treatment for BPH as an alternative to prescription medication.

If you suspect an enlarged prostate (BPH), or suffer from symptoms related to it, it’s essential that medical help be sought immediately. BPH is a treatable condition which may lead to serious health complications; symptoms can include painful stinging when you urinate, delayed or weak urine streams and taking longer than usual to pass urine. Regular prostate checks should also be performed.

BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, is one of the most prevalent prostate disorders among older men and can significantly impair quality of life. There are natural remedies that may help relieve symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate such as diet and exercise; specifically increasing water consumption and fiber intake will aid bowels in moving more freely which will in turn relieve urinary symptoms while simultaneously increasing quality of life.

Eat foods rich in vitamin C to support prostate health, such as berries, tomatoes and broccoli. Vitamin C acts as an anti-inflammatory and protects against an enlarged prostate.

Orange juice

An enlarged prostate can create numerous urinary issues, including frequent need to urinate and penis and urethra pain. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to either prevent or treat these symptoms; one being changing your diet; what you eat could have a direct influence on its size – therefore making healthy food choices is crucial if reducing prostate size is desired; also avoid alcohol and caffeine drinks which could further exacerbate symptoms.

Orange juice contains vitamin C, which may help prevent BPH and ease symptoms associated with it. As a water-soluble vitamin it aids immune system function and tissue development while being an antioxidant it reduces inflammation and fights free radicals – studies even suggest it could slow prostate gland enlargement and improve urinary flow!

Once in the supermarket, there are countless varieties of orange juice. But be careful to read labels carefully when choosing yours; especially any that says “beverage, punch or cocktail”. Such products contain only small percentages of actual orange juice and often include additional ingredients that add sugar or other components. Instead, seek out fortified orange juice with calcium and vitamin D, or gradually diluting it with water over time until you find one fortified with these essential elements.

Tomato juice is another great choice when it comes to providing your prostate with nourishment. Lycopene has been shown to significantly benefit its health, including alleviating symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate like urinary tract pain and bladder inflammation, while simultaneously helping lower blood pressure and lessening risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

As living with an enlarged prostate can be challenging, it is possible to manage symptoms through healthy lifestyle changes and medication. Drink plenty of fluids – especially water! – while limiting red meat and foods high in fat as well as caffeine or alcohol which could irritate the bladder further exacerbate symptoms.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice is an incredibly healthy beverage that can reduce inflammation in the prostate and relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, thanks to its abundance of antioxidants that fight free radicals while keeping us hydrated and vitamin C, an antioxidant known to prevent heart disease and cancer; plus iron absorption needed for red blood cell formation and tissue repair as well as its potassium-rich nature which has been found in one study to lower systolic blood pressure among participants who regularly consumed tomato juice! According to that same research study, 20 percent of participants reported lower systolic blood pressure after regularly drinking tomato juice!

Tomatoes are abundant in lycopene, an anti-inflammatory compound essential for protecting against diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease. Just one glass of tomato juice provides 120% of your Recommended Daily Intake (RDI). Note that many tomato products undergo processing that reduces their amount of lycopene; to maximize its benefits it’s best to consume tomatoes in their original state.

Tomatoes provide much more than lycopene; they’re also rich in potassium and vitamin C – two essential nutrients for developing strong bones, muscles and nervous systems. Tomato juice offers additional nutritional benefits including weight loss promotion through its high fiber content as well as its soluble fiber which regulates cholesterol levels and may help manage high blood pressure or diabetes conditions by helping with digestion and weight control. Tomato juice may even serve as an ideal beverage choice for people who suffer from both conditions as it’s low in sodium levels.

Tomato juice can be an ideal way to satisfy thirst while flying, popularly chosen by plane passengers as it relieves dryness and discomfort caused by pressurized cabin air and helps prevent jet lag. Plus, tomato juice provides a healthier alternative than typical in-flight beverages that may contain sugar or unhealthy ingredients!

When selecting tomato juice brands, look for those containing high concentrations of lycopene while having minimal amounts of sugar and preservatives. Avoid high-sugar varieties which may increase inflammation in your prostate gland and worsen symptoms associated with BPH; opt for unsweetened or freshly squeezed tomato juice instead.

Lemon water

Lemon water can be an effective natural treatment for prostate issues. It can ease symptoms of BPH while improving overall prostate health. In addition to drinking plenty of water and eating foods rich in fibre that could worsen conditions like BPH. Avoid beverages containing caffeine and alcohol as these can increase urine production and worsen bladder issues. As a starting point, squeeze half a lemon into water in a glass and drink this in the morning on an empty stomach. Add honey or cinnamon for added flavor. Aim to drink six to eight glasses of water daily; listen to your body and adjust accordingly; too much water can increase bathroom trips and lead to urinary tract infections. It is also wise to double void before bedtime in order to prevent your bladder from overfilling, thus leading to more frequent trips to the restroom.

Drinks containing probiotics and antioxidants have gained in popularity as potential prostate-health beverages. Yoghurt is particularly beloved, thanks to its probiotic benefits and ability to decrease oxidative stress in the body.

Orange juice is another refreshing beverage rich in vitamins and nutrients to support prostate health, including helping hydrate the bladder, which may reduce symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. To minimize inflammation in both parts of your body, however, ensure you consume fresh orange juice or use low-sugar versions when drinking orange juice.

Dr Eric Berg is an esteemed health expert and recently shared a simple drink that may naturally help shrink an enlarged prostate. The drink contains lemon, stevia and blueberries – easily available ingredients with multiple health benefits that work together to balance hormones and enzymes that affect prostate health thus decreasing BPH risk.


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