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How Would An Enlarged Prostate Cause Problems With Urination

By Bryan Perry
January 14, 2024
How Would An Enlarged Prostate Cause Problems With Urination

How Would‍ An Enlarged Prostate⁤ Cause ⁣Problems With Urination

⁢ What are the potential complications of an untreated enlarged prostate in relation to urinary problems


Let’s lend our ‍ears ‌to a tale that we hardly take ‍note of. Sometimes what’s considered common knowledge, feels as remote as the North Pole. It’s about the prostate gland,⁣ a small player in the vast orchestra ‍of our⁢ body’s amazing machinery. We’re going to⁣ discuss the ​grave antics of an enlarged prostate and the difficulties​ it invites⁣ when ‍it comes to the everyday act of urination.

Understanding⁤ the ‌Uneasiness

You see, it’s like a gatekeeper residing next door to the bladder, guiding urine from our bodies in a rather gentlemanly manner. But when this gatekeeper gains in size, it’s not a cause for celebration, contrary to popular belief. The ⁣situation turns as fraught as a crowded hallway where everyone is‍ in a rush to exit. These ‌uninvited altercations​ start causing problems as​ tension takes root in the ⁢neighbourhood of our anatomy.

The Metaphorical Menace

Visualize ⁣the⁣ prostate like ​an apple, and the urethra, the section⁢ that helps ferry the cider (or in our case, urine), as‍ running ‍through ⁤its⁤ center. ​If⁢ the apple swells​ up, guess which route gets pinched in the squeeze? Yes,⁤ you’ve got it. The urethra.

Breaking Down the Blockade

When our proactive prostate transforms into a problematic pundit, things escalate more than we’d like.​ It’s ⁤like residents of an apartment building finding their hallway narrowed, causing a rather‌ messy, congested ‍bottleneck. This growth starts to press on the ⁤urethra – like a car parked in the middle ⁢of the street – slowing, or sometimes even halting, the flow of urine from your body.

Concealed Catalyst

Most often, it ​is a benign enlargement, sort of a balloon‌ that forgot to stop‍ puffing itself up. ⁢More accurately, it’s a⁤ condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). However, no need to ring alarm bells just yet.

Sneaky Symptoms ⁤

You know how sometimes, (or ​often, for those of us leading⁣ busier lives) a small ⁣problem left unattended has a sneaky ⁤way of unfolding into⁢ a ‍much‌ bigger issue? That’s ⁢exactly what happens‌ when an enlarged prostate decides to make‌ its ⁣presence felt. It’s not just about answering the call of nature anymore. No, it’s like on and off drizzle that⁤ leaves you⁣ guessing‌ when​ the next shower might be, or those⁣ enigmatic night-time visits to the toilet. Sometimes, you may⁤ observe that you’re ‍unable to​ empty your bladder completely,⁣ or you feel sudden⁤ urges to urinate at the drop of a hat.

No Stone Unturned ⁢

In more⁣ severe cases, ‌it⁣ could lead ⁤to urinary tract infections, bladder stones,​ or ⁣– dare we utter‌ – kidney⁣ damage. It’s like the gentle river suddenly at risk⁢ of flooding ⁢the ⁣peaceful ⁢village downstream.

⁣ Your Shield Against ​The Storm

Now, it’s one thing to identify a problem, another to tangle with ​it,⁤ but it’s quite another to learn how to shield ⁢against ‌it. To keep this annoying apple in check, doctors often suggest medication, minimally invasive‌ therapy or even surgery,⁣ depending ‍on the severity ⁤of⁤ the situation. Other tactics can involve lifestyle changes like reducing liquid intake before bedtime and⁤ limiting alcohol and caffeine.

The Weighing Game

While ​the size⁣ of the prostate definitely plays a‍ wild‍ card in the game, it’s not always the number⁤ one culprit.​ Some men with only slightly enlarged prostates can have ⁣significant symptoms, while others ‍with very enlarged prostates can have only minor urinary symptoms. It’s like having a big car⁤ but only a small⁣ boot; it doesn’t always add up as you expect.


So, keep a close eye ​on your inner workings ⁣and​ remind your prostate to play nice. Remember, an apple a ⁢day​ may keep the doctor away, but​ when the apple in ⁤question is an enlarged prostate,⁣ it may be high time to invite the doctor over instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do all men develop an enlarged prostate?

Most men’s prostates grow as they age, similar ​to how hair turns gray ⁤with the march of time. Almost half of ‌all ‌men in their 60s have‌ BPH.

2. What causes the prostate to enlarge?

While⁤ the exact⁣ causes are unclear, it’s like the ticking clock that goes off without a snooze button. Age and the presence of the hormone testosterone are factors commonly⁢ blamed ‌for the prostate’s growth spell.

3. Can an ‌enlarged prostate affect sexual⁤ performance?

Interestingly, while the prostate is a key⁤ character⁢ in the drama of male sexual function,‍ BPH is the understudy waiting ⁢just off stage.‌ It doesn’t‌ necessarily spell calamity for⁤ one’s sex life. However, the medications used to tackle BPH can sometimes have side effects that might affect ⁣sexual function.

4. Does a bigger prostate mean a greater chance of getting prostate cancer?

A growing prostate may sound like a red⁣ flag⁢ for cancer, but in reality, it’s more like a pesky traffic snarl on​ your daily ​commute – inconvenient ⁢but‍ not life threatening.

5. How is an enlarged prostate diagnosed?

Doctors usually ⁣ask ‍about the symptoms and your ‘urination routine’. Think of it ⁢as ‍a chat ‌over a cuppa, without the actual refreshment. ⁢A physical exam ​and other tests like a ⁢urine ​test or prostate-specific antigen (PSA) ⁢blood test may also be performed.


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