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3 Key Nutrients in Super Beta Prostate

By Bryan Perry
September 3, 2023
3 Key Nutrients in Super Beta Prostate

what is super beta prostate

Men want real solutions when it comes to prostate health. Super beta prostate contains three key, clinically tested nutrients – beta-sitosterol, lycopene and reishi mushroom extract – shown to both alleviate Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia symptoms and support their prostate wellness.

Studies show a link between vitamin D and lower PSA levels; thus making this formula one of the top recommendations from Urologists.

What is Beta-Sitosterol?

Beta-sitosterol, commonly found in plants such as nuts and seeds, shares its structure with cholesterol and may help lower levels. In addition, it’s used to treat symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate (BPH), such as frequent urges to urinate and difficulty emptying the bladder – according to clinical trials it was shown to significantly improve urinary flow measures as well as being safe and well tolerated by participants.

Studies of plant sterols have demonstrated their ability to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in people both with type 2 diabetes and without it. They can also decrease inflammation and boost antioxidant activity, possibly helping prevent or delay atherosclerosis. Plant sterols can be found in foods like margarine, cereal grains, soybeans and peanuts; or taken as dietary supplements with rare side effects.

Studies have demonstrated that dietary plant sterols such as beta-sitosterol can be effective at alleviating symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate (BPH), such as frequent need to urinate and difficult or painful urination. Furthermore, these supplements have shown promise in improving urine flow and decreasing postvoid residual urine production. Finally, their anti-inflammatory properties make these dietary supplements even more effective than medications for treating BPH.

Super Beta Prostate Advanced contains a proprietary blend of phytosterols, with beta-sitosterol being its key active ingredient. Clinical tests have confirmed its ability to reduce urinary frequency and enhance bladder emptying for men suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Furthermore, vitamin D is another known prostate health booster; making this product one of few using clinically tested, safe and natural ingredients to support men’s prostate health.

What is Saw Palmetto?

Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens or Sabal serrulatum) is an herbal treatment frequently utilized to combat hair loss and balance hormone levels in men. Studies also indicate its use may support prostate health, reduce inflammation and ameliorate urinary tract symptoms.

Some experts speculate that saw palmetto works by inhibiting testosterone from breaking down naturally and raising its levels. Furthermore, it may prevent DHT, an androgen thought to contribute to acne breakouts, from turning into sebum and clogging pores.

Saw palmetto plant berries are harvested and used to manufacture dietary supplements. Each oily black berry contains free fatty acids, triglycerides, phytosterols (including beta sitosterol), flavonoids and polysaccharides which may account for some of its many health benefits.

Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of saw palmetto in treating symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It works by helping to decrease prostate gland size, thus improving urine flow.

Saw palmetto has also been found to contain anti-androgen effects that may help women who experience hormonal imbalances such as PCOS. Fatty acids found in saw palmetto are thought to interfere with how testosterone is processed in the body, helping lower DHT levels.

Although saw palmetto has been shown to be safe, it’s wise to consult your physician prior to taking any dietary supplement, especially those intended to aid specific conditions or medications like blood thinners. Saw palmetto may interact with some blood thinners; pregnancy or breastfeeding women should avoid its use as well.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is an essential fatty-soluble vitamin with multiple benefits to offer our bodies, such as helping absorb calcium and magnesium from food sources, development of healthy cells, cancer prevention and even possibly decreasing prostate cancer risks. According to research findings, Vitamin D may even lower risks by increasing death of cancerous prostate cells while decreasing their spread ability.

Studies suggest that low Vitamin D levels are linked with an increased likelihood of prostate cancer, more aggressive disease and shorter survival after diagnosis. Furthermore, increased intake is linked with reduced risks for other forms of cancer development.

One important way to increase vitamin D levels is through diet: salmon, tuna and mackerel are especially abundant sources of Vitamin D; eggs and beef liver also contain some small amounts. Supplementation should only be considered when diets lack these foods or when sun exposure, digestive surgery or chronic illnesses limit our bodies’ ability to absorb vitamin D properly; other potential reasons could include reduced sun exposure, intestinal surgery or chronic illness limiting its absorption.

Super beta prostate is an excellent quality prostate supplement containing several clinically tested natural ingredients. These include beta-sitosterol, which has been clinically shown to alleviate symptoms associated with BPH; vitamin D which promotes prostate health while decreasing frequency of urination; zinc and selenium to complete its comprehensive support formula; as well as 3mg boron which research suggests may help lower risks associated with prostate cancer.

What is Zinc?

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that aids wound healing while supporting many body functions, including cell growth, immune function, DNA synthesis and protein production as well as taste and smell perception. Zinc also aids normal child, adolescent and pregnant development through optimal growth and development during childhood, adolescence and pregnancy. You can find zinc in oysters, meat poultry fish beans and whole grain products, though it’s difficult to get enough through diet alone as our bodies urinate away a large quantity through urine!

Zinc can support prostate health in multiple ways, from lowering risk of BPH and improving sexual function to increasing testosterone production and supporting male reproductive health, especially sperm production. According to research published in 2018, zinc was an integral part of male fertility and sexual arousal as it improves blood flow to the genital area while stimulating release of nitric oxide for enhanced male fertility and sexual arousal.

Low levels of zinc can lead to dry, flaky skin which can be treated easily with zinc supplements. Your doctor can perform blood tests to check for deficiency but the best way to determine whether you need supplement is simply trying them and seeing if symptoms improve.

What is Boron?

Boron is an essential trace mineral found in many foods, particularly nuts and seeds. It plays an integral part in bone health as it increases calcium and magnesium absorption through intestinal digestion while helping reduce joint inflammation.

Boron can enhance bone formation by stimulating osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) while inhibiting osteoclasts (those responsible for breaking down bone tissue). Furthermore, it increases bioavailability of vitamin D; contributing to its conversion from 25(OH)D into active hormone calcitriol that regulates calcium absorption by the gut.

Research has demonstrated that boron can enhance and mimic some of the effects of estrogen, making it an attractive supplement for women experiencing hormonal fluctuations associated with menopause. Furthermore, studies have indicated it to lower breast cancer risks associated with postmenopausal women due to a decreased estrogen level.

Note that daily doses of boron in excess of 20mg are linked with adverse side effects, including gastrointestinal disturbances, skin and nasal irritation, impaired fertility development and reproduction, as well as interfered with thyroid function – so pregnant women should try not to exceed this dosage limit.

Super Beta Prostate P3 Advanced includes multiple natural prostate ingredients, such as beta-sitosterol and vitamin D3, that have been scientifically researched to relieve BPH symptoms like frequent urges to urinate, nightly trips to the bathroom and difficulty emptying your bladder. Reishi mushroom extract and zinc are also integral elements in maintaining prostate health.


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