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Best Drink For Prostate Health

By Bryan Perry
December 15, 2023

best drink for prostate health

Men may be at an increased risk for prostate issues as they age, which can impede quality of life and impact quality of living. A healthy diet can help combat these problems by including foods which support prostate health.

Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that possess anti-mutagenic properties and help prevent healthy cells from turning cancerous. It is recommended to consume at least seven cups per day.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the world’s most beloved beverages and contains powerful polyphenols known as catechins that provide anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic benefits. Studies have also demonstrated how these catechins may reduce enlarged prostate symptoms while helping prevent bladder infections. Furthermore, Green Tea contains high concentrations of an organic chemical known as Sulforaphane which has shown to slow cancer cell growth while decreasing risk for prostate tumors.

At the recent AICR conference, researchers presented research revealing that sulforaphane may both block formation of prostate cancer cells and slow their growth. Furthermore, it increases enzymes within our bodies which convert carcinogens to harmless forms; green tea and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and bok choy contain sulforaphane as sources.

Sulforaphane found in green tea can also stimulate your body to produce its own natural antioxidants that protect against inflammation and free radical damage, making a diet rich in fruits and vegetables rich in sulforaphane an effective defense against prostate cancer development. Inflammation is one of the primary triggers of prostate cancer development. By increasing intake of fruits and vegetables rich in this compound, your risk can be drastically decreased.

Water can help ease symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate by keeping the bladder well hydrated. This can reduce pressure on the urethra that often forces frequent trips to the bathroom when dealing with BPH, and can dilute urine more efficiently to dilute out any toxins that may lead to irritation and infection of your bladder.

Many men struggle with getting enough fluids when suffering from symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Though it can be challenging, drinking enough is essential for overall body health; you should aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily ideally.

Dietary supplements and vitamins are one form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). There is an abundance of supplements on the market today, including saw palmetto extract, urtica dioica nettle, Lycopersicon esculentum tomato (tomato), selenium, vitamin E and green tea supplements. Anyone taking such products must ensure that it has undergone testing to ensure safety before purchasing and taking.

Orange Juice

Orange juice has long been considered a breakfast essential. TV ads and marketing slogans tout it as being natural and healthy, yet most store-bought types contain added sugars. For optimal health, fresh-squeezed or 100% orange juice should always be considered the optimal option; whenever possible avoid products labeled “beverage, punch or cocktail,” as these may contain only small percentages of actual orange juice as well as additional sweeteners and colorings mixed into its formulation.

Orange juice offers the prostate many benefits, including vitamin C and potassium citrate. Vitamin C helps support immune health while treating respiratory infections; potassium citrate raises urine pH to increase alkalinity, thus decreasing kidney stone formation risk.

Green tea can also provide support for prostate health. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at relieving inflammation of the prostate gland and decreasing symptoms related to an enlarged prostate. For optimal prostate health, keep bladder and urethra hydrated by drinking plenty of water as opposed to beverages like caffeine that increase urination rates such as tea.

Orange juice contains soluble fiber which has been known to aid urinary tract health by shortening the time needed to empty out your bladder post urination.

Orange juice provides essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium – minerals which support bone health while also being key for lowering blood pressure. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study demonstrated that those who regularly consumed one cup of orange juice had reduced low-density lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol, higher high-density lipoprotein (good) cholesterol, and decreased diastolic blood pressure. These factors all play a part in lowering the risk of heart disease. Niacin found in orange juice may also provide benefits, having been linked with lower triglyceride levels. Niacin plays an integral part in processing food and energy intake while providing antioxidant protection from free radical damage in our bodies. For these reasons it’s essential that we consume plenty of foods rich in niacin such as whole grains, meats, poultry fish and dairy products containing this vitamin.


Diets rich in fruits and vegetables can help prevent many health problems, including an enlarged prostate gland. A common issue among men over 40, this diet may help lower your risk for prostate issues while regular prostate exams and adequate fluid intake also play a vital role in overall wellness.

Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are vital for maintaining prostate health. Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries contain antioxidants which work to neutralize free radicals found in our bodies that may lead to health issues including prostate cancer and an enlarged prostate gland.

Green Tea Can Offer Multiple Benefits

The polyphenols and antioxidants present in green tea provide significant health advantages, with catechins such as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) being one of its key constituents that may inhibit prostate cancer cell growth while simultaneously decreasing PSA levels. Green tea can be consumed either traditionally brewed, or added into smoothies for maximum effectiveness.

Tomatoes are packed with the antioxidant lycopene, which has been shown to protect the prostate against oxidative damage and improve urinary tract health. You can easily add this natural compound into salads or use as a healthy condiment on foods.

Avoid Milk and Red Meat

Consuming dairy products such as butter and cheese in excess has been linked with an enlarged prostate, due to their high calcium and sodium contents which can stress out the urinary system, leading to issues like an enlarged prostate, bladder stones, kidney stones and prostatitis. Red meat also contains lots of saturated fat that’s difficult for most bodies to break down properly – something dairy products cannot.

Avoid processed and pickled foods which contain excessive sodium levels; eating less salty food may significantly improve prostate health.

An effective diet to promote prostate health should include lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds as well as berries – and try to limit your consumption of foods containing added sugars which have been known to adversely impact prostate health. If your concern extends further than diet alone, consult your physician about possible solutions that could benefit you.


Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene, an antioxidant known to treat prostate cancer by decreasing symptoms like frequent urination and infection. Lycopene also provides significant amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants essential to overall health benefits – further research may be required, yet early results have been promising so far. Lycopene can also be found in watermelons and red grapefruit as additional sources.

Tomato products should form an integral part of a prostate-healthy diet and should be included on a regular basis, whether that means adding them to salads and sauces, eating raw tomatoes as part of sandwiches or on top of bread slices, grilling or roasting them as side dishes, or sipping tomato juice as a refreshing beverage. Lycopene is an important compound which protects DNA cells against damage from free radicals; several studies have revealed an association between increasing intake of lycopene with reduced prostate cancer risk.

For optimal prostate health, the ideal beverage consists of beverages which supply essential nutrients and phytochemicals to the body. Green tea, orange juice, berries, and tomato juice are popular choices; but for maximum effectiveness it’s recommended that one consume a balanced diet including fruits and vegetables that have anticancer properties like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts or kale as these contain phytochemicals with anticancer effects.

Making healthy drinks a part of your everyday diet is an effective way to support prostate health. If you are concerned about this area, consulting a healthcare professional who can design a comprehensive treatment plan involving natural remedies like tomatoes is advised.


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