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Best Exercises For Prostate Health

By Bryan Perry
December 28, 2023

Exercise can have long-term health benefits and may reduce symptoms associated with prostate issues. Before embarking on any physical fitness program, it’s a good idea to consult a physician or urologist first.

Most prostate exercises concentrate on strengthening pelvic floor muscles to control urination and may prevent urinary incontinence following surgery or chemotherapy for prostate cancer.

1. Calisthenics

Studies have demonstrated that exercise is an effective way to maintain or treat numerous prostate-related conditions, including pain and inflammation (prostatitis), an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) or cancer. Exercise also helps keep weight under control which is key in protecting against an increase in risk for prostate issues caused by obesity.

Strengthening pelvic floor muscles is among the best exercises for prostate, as they support your bladder, bowel and reproductive organs and can improve urinary control, reduce incontinence, prevent erectile dysfunction and help alleviate bladder pain.

Kegels are an easy and effective way to exercise. Simply contracting and relaxing pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds at a time until relaxing them back for another 10. Repeat these movements several times throughout your day for maximum effectiveness.

Yoga can also provide excellent exercise options to combat an enlarged prostate. Particularly effective exercises include cobbler’s and reclining big toe poses which strengthen muscles in the groin area and relieve symptoms while improving urinary health.

Aerobic exercise can also benefit prostate health by increasing your body’s natural ability to produce antioxidants, which neutralize inflammatory molecules that contribute to cancer development. Jogging, swimming, biking and walking are excellent aerobic exercises; others include prolonged cycling; however any that involve excessive jarring or pounding such as prolonged cycling should be avoided to avoid unnecessary strain on groin areas.

Strength training can also be an effective way of improving prostate health, but it’s important to consult your physician regarding what exercises are suitable for you. Strength training typically utilizes weights, bands, machines or even bodyweight and can increase muscle mass and bone strength while decreasing bone density loss caused by cancer treatments as well as improving balance and decreasing the risk of falls – common issues among cancer patients undergoing therapy.

2. Yoga

The prostate gland rests beneath the bladder and encases the urethra (the tube that transports urine from the bladder to outside). With age or obesity comes an increase in prostate size; this can result in difficulty urinating as its presence presses on part of the bladder, forcing more urine out than needed. Exercise to strengthen pelvic floor muscles such as yoga can be effective at relieving symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate gland; its poses mimic regular pelvic floor exercises in terms of strengthening muscle around its surface area – strengthening these areas around its base while strengthening muscles around its base.

Inflammation is another contributing factor that can cause prostate enlargement, but exercise can help lower inflammatory response in your body and may prevent its occurrence along with healthy diet and lifestyle habits. Together they may help ward off BPH.

Aerobic exercises such as swimming, jogging, cycling and walking are great cardiovascular workouts that can support prostate health. Not only can these forms of activity increase blood flow while simultaneously lowering heart rate and helping you shed extra weight; additionally they may even be an effective means of combating risk factors for prostate cancer such as being overweight.

Strength training is an integral component of living a healthy lifestyle and can be an excellent way to alleviate discomfort caused by prostate enlargement. However, certain precautions must be taken when exercising with prostate issues; for example if you suffer from osteoporosis or bone metastases (when cancer cells spread to bones in the body) certain forms of strength training could increase your risk of injury.

If you suffer from either of these conditions, seeking advice from a physical therapist before embarking on any strength-training program is recommended. At Northern Beaches Interventional Radiology team can offer safe and effective exercises to strengthen muscles in your lower back, hips and inner thighs – helping alleviate pain while increasing prostate function – as well as other exercises which will maintain overall health while lessening symptoms. Reach out now!

3. Walking

Men living with prostate cancer should make physical activity a top priority, whether they’re currently receiving treatment or have already completed it. Exercise is proven to increase immunity, prevent recurrence and manage side effects; but not all types of physical activity are created equal and need medical clearance before commencing them.

Aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming and hiking are considered some of the best prostate exercises. These activities increase blood flow to improve cardiovascular health – essential components for optimal prostate function – while also stimulating release of nitric oxide which has been known to reduce inflammation.

Studies have shown that men who walk for three or more hours per week post-prostate surgery had a 57% lower risk of their disease returning than those who walked less. Walking can also help manage symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate such as frequent urge to urinate and an overactive bladder.

Exercise may help manage some of the side effects associated with prostate tumor treatment and its side effects, including incontinence and erectile dysfunction. Kegel exercises can particularly benefit in this regard by strengthening muscles that support your bladder and bowel while also stopping urine flow when needed.

Although most low-impact exercises are considered safe for most individuals, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare provider prior to beginning a fitness regimen. They can recommend an ideal exercise plan tailored specifically for you while ensuring there are no risks of injury or other issues that might arise.

Find an exercise program you enjoy and can adhere to by consulting a physical therapist or personal trainer, who can identify prostate-healthy exercises tailored specifically to your body type and lifestyle. Furthermore, don’t neglect general physical movement throughout the day such as walking to work or the store instead of driving!

4. Swimming

Studies indicate that being physically active can increase your odds of surviving prostate cancer. Exercise helps you lose weight to keep your body in check and lower risks related to prostate health such as overactive bladder (OAB). it balances hormones that impact prostate function; for those living with prostate cancer it’s wise to consult their physician prior to beginning any vigorous physical activity program.

Diet and regular exercise are two essential strategies for maintaining prostate health. Engaging in more physical movement during your day can reduce fatigue, improve your mood and sleep quality, as well as boost overall quality of life.

Aerobic exercises such as swimming, running, cycling and walking can help you burn calories for weight management and increase antioxidant levels in the body to combat cancer-causing inflammation molecules.

Men who engage in cardiovascular workouts like brisk walking for several hours each week experience 57% slower progression of prostate cancer, compared to those who engage in less cardio. Unfortunately, long cardio sessions on bikes or treadmills may irritate your prostate or groin region and therefore are best avoided during prostate treatments.

Pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) can strengthen the muscles that control your bladder and bowel and help to prevent urinary incontinence. As these exercises may be difficult to master, please seek guidance from your healthcare provider prior to beginning this routine.

Strength training and balance exercises are great ways to strengthen bones while staying centered as your condition worsens. If you suffer from osteoporosis, consult with your physician on safe weight-bearing exercises that can strengthen them; while balance exercises may prevent falls that could cause fractures if cancer has spread to bones. A balance trainer might be suitable, but consult your doctor about which kind would best meet your needs; they can advise you about intensity levels you should aim for as well as ways you can integrate this workout regimen safely into your workout regime.


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