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How to Take Turmeric For Enlarged Prostate

By Bryan Perry
September 2, 2023
How to Take Turmeric For Enlarged Prostate

how to take turmeric for enlarged prostate

Exploring ‘How to Take Turmeric For Enlarged Prostate’? Turmeric, rich in prostate antioxidants like curcumin, shines in both the kitchen and health world. While its anti-cancer properties show promise, it’s not a full solution for prostate enlargement. For best results and guidance, consult with a medical expert. Embrace nature’s golden touch!

How to Take Turmeric

Include turmeric in your diet as an easy way to promote prostate health. The spice offers anti-inflammatory benefits and contains antioxidants which may help lower your PSA levels, while Curcumin, one of its active components, may even prevent future tumor formation or slow their growth.

One study demonstrated that men taking curcumin supplements for BPH experienced decreased symptoms and improved urine flow, as curcuminoids found in turmeric may help block dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone linked to prostate enlargement.

If you want to take turmeric supplements, seek out high-quality products with third-party testing and high-grade ingredients. Furthermore, it’s wise to discuss any herbal remedies, including turmeric supplements with your healthcare provider as they could interact with certain medications and interfere with them.

Turmeric supplements and diet modifications may provide a natural treatment option for an enlarged prostate. However, they shouldn’t be seen as replacements for traditional medical therapies like surgery or radiation therapy; research shows turmeric benefits prostate health but more studies need to be conducted into how exactly it works. To maximize results when combined with other herbs such as saw palmetto and pygeum (which you’ll find in Global Healing Prostrex supplement), turmeric should be combined with other supplements like Prostrex that offer comprehensive prostate support.


Turmeric may provide natural relief from an enlarged prostate, but should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatment. Turmeric contains curcumin which has been shown to reduce prostate size and relieve symptoms associated with BPH, while also blocking dihydrotestosterone production which contributes to its expansion.

Turmeric can be added to a variety of meals, such as soups and stews, or taken in capsule form for concentrated dosing of its medicinal benefits. When selecting turmeric supplements, organic varieties grown without pesticides should contain high levels of curcumin – the chemical responsible for turmeric’s many healing properties.

Studies have demonstrated that turmeric’s use can have a beneficial impact on urinary symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Before adding any new supplements to their diet, one should consult their physician first and keep a record of all supplements taken and report any side effects they experience to them immediately.

People suffering from prostate issues should include turmeric in their diet as part of an overall treatment strategy, in combination with natural remedies like saw palmetto and pygeum. They could also try supplements designed to improve urinary health such as Global Healing’s Prostrex, an herbal combination combining turmeric root, saw palmetto, pygeum and nettle leaf to bolster prostate function while supporting healthy urine flow.

Side Effects

Consuming turmeric supplements in moderation generally does not appear to result in serious adverse side effects; however, some individuals may experience gastrointestinal distress such as nausea and diarrhea; additionally, others might develop allergic reactions. It’s best to speak to your healthcare provider prior to adding new supplements into your diet, particularly if taking prescription medications.

Studies have demonstrated that curcumin can effectively lower dihydrotestosterone levels in men with enlarged prostates, helping them experience less frequent and urgent urination as well as improve urine flow and prevent cancer development.

Studies have also demonstrated that this compound can also treat other prostate-related ailments, such as BPH and bladder infections. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to combat free radicals that damage urinary tract cells is believed to reduce surgery risks significantly.

While turmeric is generally safe, long-term consumption should be limited due to increased urinary oxalate levels that could increase your risk for kidney stones and interfere with certain medications like blood thinners, antidepressants, antibiotics, antihistamines, cardiac drugs or chemotherapy treatments.


Curcumin from turmeric interacts with numerous medications, and this interaction may alter how effectively they work. Turmeric may interact with anticoagulant medicines like aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), anticancer medicines and medicines for inflammation treatment – with moderate interactions unlikely to have a noticeable clinical impact for most individuals taking them; those taking these medicines should consult their physician prior to taking turmeric supplements.

Turmeric can be an effective natural remedy to treat prostate inflammation, and other complementary measures include diet changes and supplements like saw palmetto and green tea extract which may further support its use.

Prostate hypertrophy (or an enlarged prostate), is a painful and uncomfortable condition for many men. Symptoms may include having to get up during the night to use the restroom, not being able to empty their bladder completely, and experiencing pain when trying to urinate. Although not life-threatening, prostate hypertrophy can lead to urinary tract infections and kidney issues; natural treatments exist which can ease these symptoms, including turmeric and other herbs which have proven helpful in improving prostate health.


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