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How To Treat An Enlarged Prostate Naturally

By Bryan Perry
January 17, 2024
How To Treat An Enlarged Prostate Naturally

How To Treat An​ Enlarged Prostate Naturally

Can an enlarged prostate go back to normal?

For most patients, BPH (enlarged prostate) is curable. Some people see⁢ a​ significant reduction ​in symptoms with medication‌ alone. If medicine does not work, or your prostate is too large, surgery will ‌often remove ​enough of the prostate to provide you with relief.


How, ​you⁣ might ask, do⁤ you treat an improved prostate naturally? The nitty-gritty answer⁤ to that lies within a combination‍ of lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and mind-body healing techniques. This article will unmask these methods, serving them up in a straight-forward, easy to grasp manner. Navigate​ with us​ as ⁣we delve​ into the world of ​natural MD-free enlarged prostate treatment. Buckle‍ up‍ for dietary and exercise recommendations, a glance at⁢ beneficial herbs, plus tricks to engage the mind⁢ in the healing‍ process.

Dietary Adjustments

Gobble up a ‌bounty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins—it’s the​ antidote for an enlarged prostate Senate. Staying firmly entrenched ‌in this dietary ⁤routine can shrink‍ prostate enlargement in its grimace, one bite at⁤ a time. Inclusive in this journey are nutritional superstars​ like tomatoes, brimming with⁤ lycopene, and omega-3-rich fish like mackerel⁣ or ​tuna.

The Foodski Overview

Cherish the bright array of‍ colors on your plate, which mirrors your ‌commitment to a healthier prostate. A proverbial adventure in gastro delight, right in front of​ you. Mix ​it up by ejecting red meat in favor of turkey or chicken, and let’s not‌ overlook the legumes⁤ –⁣ a powerhouse of nutrients to‌ your rescue.

Exercise And Its Advantages

Never discount the magic of regular⁢ exercise in the battle against enlarged prostate. Just like‍ an invested gardener tending to a sprawling backyard, consistent, tailored⁢ physical activity can keep ‌prostate-related concerns at ‍bay, and in⁣ perfect ‌order.

The Fitbit Demand

Fair warning: the couch potatoes among ⁢us might wince at the regime. But trust me, when engaging in exercises like⁣ yoga, aerobics, or even brisk walking, the idea is never about huff-puff, crunch-burn ⁣type of mandates. Instead, witness your prostate health steadily blossom with ‍just the right sprinkling of mild‍ but regular workouts.

Herbs‍ And Natural Remedies

Strut into the enchanting land‌ of herbs, where relief from prostate enlargement is brewed in quite a holistic manner. From the saw palmetto berries,⁢ borrowed from the tall fronds⁤ in Florida, to the⁣ Pygeum‌ africanum, an⁢ exotic⁣ import from Africa – the world ⁤of herbs pours forth a wealth of natural treatment options.

The ⁢Herbal ‌Garden

Use ⁤discernment when exploring the herbal ⁣path, as a safe compound ‍for one might not suit all. Walking this treacherous path harmoniously requires being well-informed and simultaneously cautious. To put ⁢it simply, ‌you should have ⁣your facts ‍straight before ​jumping feet first.

Prostate⁣ Massage

Though ​the thought might cause some initial discomfort, prostate massage can​ turn⁤ out to be a gift that keeps giving.⁤ Quite deceptively, the resolution to this ticklish⁣ issue ⁢can lie ​in expert fingers that know just how to knead and⁤ soothe the gland, contributing significantly to shrinking the​ enlargement.

Massaging the​ Right Nook

Here’s the thing worth reiterating, though: this shouldn’t be a⁣ botched, DIY⁤ job— far from ⁣it. ‍Enlist‍ the aid of‌ a certified therapist who‍ knows⁢ the ropes and can guide ​you through the procedure seamlessly.


Tackling an⁢ enlarged prostate using natural means isn’t about discovering an overnight miracle cure. While this article ⁣might have put forth ‌multiple options for managing the condition, it’s imperative to remember that patience is integral to this road to recovery. It’s about⁤ persistent effort and tuning into your ‍body’s signals. ⁣Hopefully, armed⁣ with this information, the leap from an enlarged prostate to⁤ an improved​ quality⁤ of life‌ becomes a bit more manageable – one small step at a time.

Frequently Asked ⁢Questions

1. What‍ foods are good for shrinking the‌ prostate?

Tomatoes, rich in lycopene,⁣ are prostate-friendly. You can ⁣also ‍include oily ⁣fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines in your diet, along with‌ Brazil nuts and sesame seeds.

2.​ Is coffee bad for enlarged prostate?

While coffee in moderation is‌ okay, excessive intake can irritate the⁣ prostate and bladder, exacerbating urinary symptoms.

3.⁤ Are eggs bad for enlarged prostate?

Eating eggs in moderation should not impact your prostate⁢ health significantly; however, a diet ⁤high in animal fats could‍ potentially cause problems.

4. Does ⁢walking help an enlarged prostate?

Yes, regular exercise, including walking, ⁢helps maintain ‍a healthy ⁣weight, which is beneficial for prostate health.

5. ⁣What is the best fruit for the ‍prostate?

Fruits packed​ with antioxidants like watermelon, berries, and​ pomegranates ⁢are good for prostate health.


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