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What Is Enlarged Prostate Size?

By Bryan Perry
January 17, 2024
What Is Enlarged Prostate Size?

What Is Enlarged Prostate Size?

Can ​prostate size be reduced?

Tiny plastic particles are injected into these vessels to reduce the prostate gland’s blood supply, which shrinks it. The potential benefits of prostate artery embolization​ compared with ​surgery are fewer complications and you can have this procedure under local anesthesia as an outpatient.


“What is enlarged prostate size?” you might⁣ ask. In the simplest of terms, an enlarged prostate, also known medically as ‍Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), occurs when the prostate gland increases in volume. The exact size can vary,​ and the term does not denote a specific ‍measurement but refers⁤ to any ​increase beyond the normal parameters defined by‌ medical professionals. That being said, this is not an uncommon phenomenon for men as they age. This introductory note aims to unravel more about‍ the nuts and bolts of an enlarged prostate. We’ll delve deeper into ⁣symptoms⁢ to⁤ watch out for, treatments available, and several ⁢lifestyle adjustments that could help mitigate its effects.

The ‌Prostate and ⁤What ⁢Happens when it Enlarges

Picture a ‌little chestnut nestling at the base of a man’s ⁣bladder. That’s the prostate for you,⁣ small and ‌unassuming; it plays a vital role in producing seminal fluids crucial for fertility. Now​ visualize this chestnut bloating, slow and steady, over ⁤time. When it enlarges, it begins to squeeze onto the urine ⁢conducting pipe, commonly known as the urethra, that it envelopes⁤ – think ‌of it ⁢as a pipe being choked by an expanding sponge. Despite ‍the humor in the metaphor,⁤ it’s no laughing matter for the gentlemen dealing with the consequences ‍of an enlarged prostate.

Good‍ to Know – Enlargement‍ vs.‌ Cancer

Despite an unsettling ring to its name, an enlarged prostate is not synonymous with prostate cancer. ​Though both conditions share some symptom ⁣patterns, it’s vital ​to‌ tear apart this​ common myth. If there’s a lurking fear of the ⁤big ‘C,’ consult a doctor to put your mind at ease.

Catch⁢ it Early: Symptoms and Tell-tale Signs

BPH intrudes slowly, almost stealthily. It starts with increasing ⁤urgency ⁤to visit the loo, especially during the⁤ nocturnal hours. If you find yourself waking up more often than⁣ not with a gnawing need to dash to the bathroom, it might be a reason to pay attention. ⁤As it progresses, the stream of⁢ urine⁣ might​ start thinning out and ‌you may feel like your bladder is ⁢still partially ⁤filled post voiding.

Beyond the Obvious⁤ – Uncommon Symptoms

You might presume that symptoms are confined to urinary issues, but you’d‌ be surprised. In more severe cases, urinary tract infections, or even blood in the urine, ‌could raise their ugly heads. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Helping Hand – Medical Treatments and Lifestyle‌ Changes

In cases of BPH, physicians⁣ are not all scalpel and gloom. Often, the first ‍line of defense is medication that either‍ shrinks the prostate or relaxes the bladder, easing out the urine flow. If drugs seem inadequate, minimally invasive procedures might be suggested. The dietary side ⁢of ‍things warrants a shift towards a healthier lifestyle.⁣ Reducing ⁤caffeine and alcohol, particularly before bedtime, and sticking with a​ diet ⁢rich in fruits and vegetables is recommended.

When Nature Calls… Answer!

It sounds⁤ dead simple, but this is an aspect often ⁢overlooked: Do not⁢ ignore the urge to urinate. Holding back too often⁤ can exacerbate symptoms of an ⁣enlarged prostate.


In conclusion, an enlarged prostate size is a condition​ often synonymous⁣ with aging in men, and while it may paint ​an unpleasant picture, it’s not the end of the‌ world. ⁤A cocktail of timely medical​ treatment⁤ and lifestyle tweaks can work​ wonders.​ Remember, knowledge​ is your lifeline,‍ and being aware ⁣of your body and its changes is the ⁣first step towards​ robust ⁤health.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are ⁢the risk factors ⁤for an⁢ enlarged ⁤prostate?

Aging is the foremost risk factor for an enlarged prostate. Family history, lifestyle choices, and ethnicity can also play a role.

2. Does an enlarged prostate ​affect sexual performance?

While BPH itself may not directly affect sexual performance, some medications used to treat it⁤ can cause sexual side ‍effects.

3. Is there a way to‍ prevent an enlarged prostate?

While you cannot prevent the prostate from enlarging, leading a healthy lifestyle⁤ and maintaining regular checkups can help manage potential symptoms.

4. Is prostatitis the same as an enlarged prostate?

No, prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate, typically caused by‍ an infection. While some symptoms may overlap with BPH, they are different conditions.

5. Does an enlarged prostate mean I have prostate cancer?

Not necessarily. An enlarged prostate is often a benign condition. However, if ⁣you have concerns, always⁤ seek a medical⁣ professional’s opinion.


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