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What To Do With An Enlarged Prostate

By Michael Gonzales
March 4, 2024
What To Do With An Enlarged Prostate


Have you⁢ found yourself asking, “What to do with an enlarged prostate?” If so, you’re not alone. Many men deal ​with the ⁢discomfort and inconvenience of ‍an enlarged ⁣prostate, an⁣ ailment⁤ that ‍becomes increasingly commonplace as we age. The good‍ news is, there are a⁤ number of proven methods ⁣to help ⁣manage and⁤ even alleviate some of the issues connected with this condition. In this informative⁤ and extensive guide, we’ll provide a phalanx of practical pointers and treatments designed​ to help you combat⁤ this common ⁣conundrum.

Understanding​ Your Prostate

Before we⁢ dive into the details, let’s briefly discuss what exactly ⁣the‌ prostate‌ is. ​The prostate gland, located below the male bladder, serves an‍ essential‍ role in⁢ the reproductive ⁣system. This ​walnut-shaped organ ‌produces a fluid⁢ that nourishes and protects sperm. As we men age, the prostate can begin to​ expand, causing a ⁣host of complications often referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH.

Signs ‍of an Enlarged Prostate

Symptoms can vary​ in severity ⁤but usually​ involve issues within the urinary⁤ tract as the enlarged prostate presses against the tube that carries urine out of⁢ your body. This pressure can lead ‌to frequent urination, a weak stream, difficulty starting and stopping, and discomfort ‌in the lower back and ‍pelvic area.

Proven Prostate Solutions

While dealing ​with an enlarged prostate⁢ may sound​ like ​a daunting ⁤task, it’s⁢ a battle​ that can be won with a ⁣few simple ‍tactics. Each strategy, like ⁣soldiers ⁤in an army,‍ fights independently, but when combined, can form a powerful ‍defense⁢ against prostate-related discomfort.

Diet and Exercise

First up in the fight, we have diet and‌ exercise. Ensuring you maintain a healthy lifestyle can do wonders in⁣ aiding to control the ⁢symptoms of an enlarged prostate.‍ Regular exercise and⁣ a balanced diet, featuring prostate-friendly​ foods such as tomatoes, broccoli,‌ and nuts, can be particularly‍ effective.

Medical ​Treatments

If a healthier lifestyle doesn’t bring ​enough‌ relief, don’t lose‌ hope.⁣ Modern medicine⁣ has made huge ‍strides in the ‍treatment of‌ an enlarged ⁢prostate. Medications‍ designed to shrink the prostate ⁣or ‌relax‍ the⁣ muscles⁤ around ⁤it can ​dramatically​ aid urine flow,⁣ significantly reducing those relentless bathroom trips.⁢


In cases where diet, exercise, and medication are not ‌enough, your doctor may ⁢recommend surgery. Several types of minimally invasive procedures now exist ‌that can be ⁤performed as outpatient surgeries, ⁣meaning you’ll be back home before you know it.

Alternative⁢ Therapies

Traditional medicine ⁣isn’t the only game in town when it comes ⁢to treating an enlarged prostate. There ⁣are many‌ alternative therapies available that might be beneficial. For ⁤example, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine are just two routes⁤ that some people find helpful.

Natural Supplements

Supplements such as Saw Palmetto, ⁢stinging nettle and Pygeum have been associated with relieving enlarged prostate‍ symptoms. It’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet.


While dealing with an ‍enlarged prostate can be overwhelming and intrusive, ​know that you have numerous means of managing and⁣ easing ‍its symptoms. From lifestyle changes to ‍medical treatments, alternative therapies to natural supplements, there are various avenues to explore ‍and discover what works best for you. Remain hopeful,⁤ patient, and ‌proactive — with the right approach, you can regain control over ‍your enlarged prostate⁢ and your life.

Frequently ⁢Asked Questions

1. What foods are good for an‍ enlarged prostate?
​ ⁢ ‍ Foods like tomatoes,​ broccoli, berries, nuts, and citrus fruits can⁣ boost prostate health.

2. Can an‌ enlarged⁣ prostate go back‌ to normal size? ​
Medical ‌treatments and surgeries can ‍help reduce the size of an enlarged prostate.

3. Does⁣ walking help an enlarged prostate?
Yes, regular low-impact exercises like walking can help alleviate the⁤ symptoms of an ‍enlarged prostate.

4. ⁢What is the best ⁣medicine for an enlarged prostate?
⁣ There is a range⁢ of medication available. Your doctor will help determine what’s​ best based on your symptoms and overall health.

5. Can drinking water help with an enlarged prostate?
Staying hydrated is important, ⁢but⁢ try not to drink large amounts of fluid all at once to avoid frequent urination.


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